Monday, April 9, 2007

Staff Biography: Joshy Josh

In order to make the readers more acquainted and familar with the people behind this blog and what all we do, I decided to compile a brief biography and survey of each member. This is it. It isn't much, but if you learn anything about the sordid minds behind this masterpiece, I have done my job.

Josh is a simple youngun’ who grew up in Compton, which he left the age of 11 to pursue a career in culinary arts. As a result, Josh has garnered much fame as the host of his own cooking show, under the pseudonym ‘Macon’. The show, entitled ‘Makin’ Bacon with Macon’ can be viewed at 2:00AM EST on HBO, due to racy content. Josh greatly enjoys bacon. When he ain’t makin’ bacon, his heart’s a-breakin’.

A unique asset to the blog, Josh is easily the most valuable member, due to the fact that he never posts in it. This easily ups the quality except for when he's being creative in a pseudo gay way.

Full Name: Josh

Role at the 38 Radius Blog: head campaign manager and co-founder

Birthday: June 22nd

Age: 14

Job Status: I write in this one blog...

Pets: cat

Car: yeah

Favorite Bands: Panic! at the disco, Fall Out Boy, Nickelback

Favorite Live Show: Project 86

Favorite Book: It's All Down From Here by Andrew Schwab

Favorite Movie: Family Force 5 Meets Sammy Stephens

Favorite TV Show: Whatever

Favorite Animal: Koally Fish

Ideal Meal: Asian.... people

Most Embarrassing Moment: I've never been embarrassed.

Hobbies: Oh you know, everything.

Things You Hate: Panic at the disco!, Fall out boy, Nickelback

Hottest Animated Character?: Kim Possible!

Little Known Super Power: I'm really sweet so sometimes I give people diabetes

Thing You MUST Know About Me: Well, I'm Josh so it's good that you know my name.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that's an appropriate picture for josh