Monday, April 9, 2007

Staff Biography: Vicious G

In order to make the readers more acquainted and familar with the people behind this blog and what all we do, I decided to compile a brief biography and survey of each member. This is it. It isn't much, but if you learn anything about the sordid minds behind this masterpiece, I have done my job.

Vicious G is a living legend. Accomplished actor and musician, uncle, high school and college graduate. In a world of unaccomplished losers, Vicious G stands out. He truly does it all.

He is also a celebrated and critically acclaimed musician who's first album was expected to come out in 2006, but has since been delayed to make it even more awesome. He has toured with John Tesch, Mozart, Stryper, and Boyz II Men.

Full Name: Scott "Vicious" Stedman

Role at the 38 Radius Blog: Writer, Marketing

Birthday: March 3rd 1794


Job Status: Seasonally employed

Pets: 0

Car: 2001 Dodge Ram quad cab

Favorite Bands: Mike Knott, L.S.U., Dear Ephesus

Favorite Live Show: FIF

Favorite Book: the most dangerous game

Favorite Movie: Nosferatu

Favorite TV Show: The Shield

Favorite Animal: Scorpion

Ideal Meal: Lean Cuisine

Most Embarrassing Moment: Getting depants infront of a bunch of chicks

Hobbies: gaming, writing, filming, acting, music

Things You Hate: Alle Toxin

Hottest Animated Character?: Jessica Rabbit

Little Known Super Power: I can transport my piss anywhere i want with my mind

Thing You MUST Know About Me: I'm awesome

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