I am a pretty devoted listener of the Relevant Magazine podcast and every week they have a random question of the week and they welcome reader feedback. This week's question was 'If you could genetically create a new animal with two existing animals what would it be and what would be its fatal weakness?' or it was something along those lines. A listener named Brian Dulaney sent in a work of pure genius and I'll let him close this post out...

From Brian Dulaney: The Koally Fish is a cross between a Koala and a Jelly Fish. Koally Fish live in the sea and eat seaweed. They are cute and love to snuggle. Indigenous to the waters of Eastern Australia, Koally tentacles drift behind them as they float along in the sea. Koally Fish tentacles do not sting; they tickle. Koally Fish carry their young in translucent pouches for 9 weeks.
Koally Fish have one fatal flaw: an insatiable appetite for affection and cuddling. This makes Koally Fish unusually vulnerable to poaching which has put Koally Fish at the top of the endangered species list.
Poachers lure the unsuspecting Koally Fish to their vessels of slaughter by blowing them kisses and gently singing nursery rhymes. The Koally Fish drifts merrily toward the poachers expecting snuggles only to be met with a swift club to the head. Their meat is then packed and shipped to Japan where Koally Fish is considered a delicacy. Those who have tried Koally meat compare the taste to gummy worms.
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