Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Wii...

Sunday, after returning home, I had a Nintendo Wii waiting for me at my house. Apparently we had gotten lucky and just happened to come across a Gamestop with one Wii in stock. It is now mine.

So far, I am thoroughly enjoying it. The controls are unlike anything else in the gaming world and that's obviously the major draw. Although there are some interactive games (guitar hero, DDR) I can't think of anything else that really lets you immerse yourself in this.

I'll go more in depth in games later, but it's amazing to play Marvel:Ultimate Alliance and move your controller to have Wolverine slash up an enemy or shoot web from your controller or play the new Zelda game and use the controllers as your shield and sword. Very fun, no matter how ridiculous you look playing it.

I absolutely suck at video games with a few exceptions (Madden and Tony Hawk) so it's even harder for me to make this transition.

More on this later as I uncover more secrets....

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