Tuesday, January 30, 2007

24: The Sixth Hour

Some brief thoughts about last night's episode of 24...

  • Sometimes they take the whole real time thing too far. Of course there's always the when does he eat, use the restroom, sleep questions, but mine is how on earth did Graem manage to hold his breath in that bag for over 3 minutes? That seemed to push a limit for me at least.
  • I was glad that Graem didn't turn out to be some little pansy like he looked like he was during the beginning of the episode. He took control which was what I had expected that whole time. In the terms of a villian, I really like him. He's got guts it seems, and he doesn't just crumble like Logan did last year (whatever happened to him anyways?) It will be interesting to see how they develop Graem's character throughout the season.
  • I knew the experiment with Walid was going to end badly, I expected worse honestly. There was no way im my mind that I saw that working out well.
  • I'm going to miss Karen Hayes, but I figure that she'll fit in again before the season is over.
  • You know it's saying something when this was the worst of the 6 hours so far this season and it still ends with the introduction of his father and the two of them being kidnapped by his brother's henchmen.

I still hate Tom Lennox.

Jack Bauer kill count still at 2...

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