Thursday, March 22, 2007

Great Moments In Game Show History

Okay, I was talking with Vicious one night and Family Feud came up. We started going through YouTube and came across lots of documented stupidity. Here are two of those great moments...

I have absolutely no clue how you come up with those answers. It was filmed in the 70's, but that's about the only possible reason I can come up with. Josh could've even gotten a better score!

Did he plan this beforehand? If so, why on earth did he choose turkey as that one word to use as his continuious answer. I admire that man...


Anonymous said...

Seriousely, dude. Everyone knows its all about the Caribou thigh.

josh said...


Micah said...

nice comment josh. did you just find out a girl liked you?


josh said...

funny. real funny.

Anonymous said...

micah and josh, you are SILLY!!

and these clips were the beginning of my spring break entertainment. next to veggie tales, which i already watched. wow. i have NO life. :)

ps-whats caribou thigh?


Anonymous said...

Caribou thigh is the pinnacle of everything of or related to the consumption of meat.