Thursday, February 8, 2007

I Have To Admit, We Are Very Excited

Josh and I are once again going on a little trip together tonight to the Lime Spider in Akron to see Showbread. We are both very, very excited about this and I think that's actually a rather large understatement. We saw Showbread together once before at Purple Door Festival in August. They put on a fantastic show, one of the best there bands there. They also had a fantastic selection of shirts (although they ran out of smalls far too quickly) and the band was generous enough to even talk to us after the show (Josh Dies is probably the nicest, down to earth band member I've ever met actually)
So yeah, we're pretty pumped about this. I just called Josh and he said that this is the most excited he's ever been for a show. I wouldn't go that far, but I'm still pretty pumped.
Review and stories may should be up tomorrow if enough interesting things happen...

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