Monday, May 21, 2007

Man Comps

!MAN COMP. Webster's Dictionary describes "Man Competition" as the display of manliness through athletic activity with sportsmanship and fair play. Extreme competing to hold the alpha male position in a small pack of men is the main goal of a Man Comp. A Man Comp can consist of one solitary activity to hours upon hours of vigorous competing. Some common Man Comp activities are as follow:

1. The Swing Set Game: This manly display of competition consists of one member of the squad lying belly up under a swing. A secondary member tries to bring fear into the heart of the first member by throwing the swing at him/her. Although the swing has no ability to touch you, it is still nerve wrecking. Keeping yourself cool is an instant victory.

2. Balloon Launch: Using a traditional balloon launcher, one member of the Man Comp launches a balloon high in the air. The first secondary member to catch a balloon is the alpha male.

3. Marshmallow War: First member to bring tears to another member of the Man Comp in any form of marshmallow torture is the winner of this Comp.

4. Standard Water Balloon Fight: Whoever is driest at the end of the fight is the fight master.

5. Picking Blackberries: Whoever has shed the most blood without tears is the Alpha Male.

6. Various Trampoline Activities: Jumping onto roofs, over ropes, or coomatae.

7. Fire: Just burn something. First person with third degree burns wins.

Man Comps can be easily coined as whatever seems like a good way to prove yourself worthy to be called MAN. If you are not Josh Jamison, you stand a chance.


Anonymous said...

Yep. Josh is a litte girl. Seriously my buddy tried hitting on him once cause he though josh was a chic. now he thinks he is gay now. Way to go josh. Turning staright men queer since 1999

josh said...

i know a gay man named vicous

Anonymous said...

Dude. I'm not gay. where the heck did that come from?