10) Johnny Cash - The Man Comes Around
I feel as though I don't even need to say much about this one. Cash was a genius, and was a legend even when he was still alive. His career spanned for decades, and he has influenced so many people. He was a great writer, writing songs that ranged from stories of personal experience to fictional pieces he himself came up with. His voice is definately very weathered by this time, and that ads great character. Though his voice has been worn, the emotion on tracks like 'Hurt', the NIN cover about the pain of addiction [something Cash knew all too well], is all-encompassing. Cash needed nothing to make thius album but his voice, his guitar, and his soul. Listen to this record and educate yourself.

9) Mastodon- Blood Mountain
They gave us Remission in 2002, and Leviathan in 2004, and this record definately takes the cake as the best Mastodon record. Of course, all three of the works by these Georgia natives are gems, but this surpasses the others. The vocals have a different approach, where they focus less on blowing thier throats out and more on making the vocals one of the focal points of the record. You can hear many of thier musical inflluences in this one [Pink Floyd, Iron Maiden, lsd], and the range of styles is great. I should also mention that the drummer is regarded by many as the best in the business. Every track is an instrumental orgasm, you can tell that all four of these strapping young men spend a lot of time in practice. They show thier love of many different styles, but this album is still pretty freaking metal, and one of the heaviest albums in existence. Even is you don't like metal, give it a listen. And if you don't like it the first time, keep listening. You may learn something.

8)Flogging Molly- Drunken Lullabies
I was only 13 when I bought this record, and it is far from wearing out it's welcome on my CD shelf. They love punk, and they love irish music. The singer/ guitar player also loves his home country, Ireland. All three of these things show on the record. They have a drummer, a bass player, and a guitar player. They also have a fiddle player, accordian player, and a couple members who play whatver they want [mandolin, flute, banjo, etc.] This record of full of energy, you can tell they love thier music [and booze]! It makes me want to river dance [sober, of course]. This cd ads some unique flavor to my mainly-metal CD collection. Its so hard not to get into this, and the man's lyrics have such fluidity, once I had them memorized, litening to the record became a new experience.

7) Flogging Molly- Within A Mile of Home
Two Flogging Molly Records in a row? Yep. Its just that good. They keep it fresh with this one. They aren't ridin' the same wave, but you can tell it's Flogging Molly. This album is not only fun, but it has been filled to the brim with emotion, and the energy was in abundance during the making of this record. They are skilled with thier instruments indeed, and this record makes me want to go to Ireland really freaking bad [so I can drive on the right side of the road and get smashed by a truck].

6) Children of Bodom- Hate Crew Death Roll
Sweden has given us some great metal acts. Arch Enemy, Soilwork, In Flames, and CHILDREN OF BODOM. I was blown away with this record. It's thrashy, heavy, dark, angry, majestic[yeah, I said it], and melodic, all at the same time! Alexi Laiho is a true guitar virtuoso, and plays some crazy stuff, singing at the same time! The keyboards add a GREAT feel, and there are even a few keyboard solos! The keyboards add a pretty dark atmosphere, and are the reason why I said majestic just a minute ago. These guys are not your typical run-of-the-mill metal band. They stand on their own two legs. Also, if you read the lyrics, you'll know that Alexi wants to get out there and beat the crap out of someone.

5)Rise Against- Revolutions Per Minute
Frontman Tim McIlrath's passion for politics and dissatisfaction with the state of America have made for some great songwriting material. This ain't Greenday. Greenday wish they were as good as Rise Against. This record is very edgy, full of angst, hopelesness, and it's even pretty cynical at times. The chords rip through your skull while the drums makes your heart explode in a bloody mess. Some songs are so rockin' I've busted my LOW E playing them [Heaven Knows, track 2]. The passion in Tim is so great that it has poured over into me, and I wish I could take his place at any given moment, as the frontman of RA. These guys prove that you don't need to do all the fancy stuff with your instruments to be a great songwriter, such was the case with Kurt Cobain. All you need is a passion for music, a worthy cause, and a freaking soul.

4)The Black Dahlia Murder
It's in thier videos. Headbanging in a graveyard. Headbanging in a cement room. Headbanging in a Church. Headbanging in a gorilla suit. The Black Dahlia Murder LOVE to headbang, and this is one headbang-inducing record. Its so freaking morbid that it makes you dream at night of digging up the body of your dead lover and doing er...passionate things to it. Such is the subject in thier lyrics. Trever Strnad obviousely loves horror movies, and they have released two horror records. The lyrics paint some very vivid pictures, once they release enough records, it will be like owning hundreds of horror movies. The drummer is INSANELY fast [even though they go through drummers like toilet tissue], and the riffs are sharp as a chainsaw. It's like both guitarists are there in front of you smacking you in the face...with laser precision and semi truck-like heaviness. They LOVE tremolo picking, and I think that this is what makes the record such a head-banger. Also, when I listened to this record, I thought there were two vocalists, but I was wrong. Trever is doing the high AND the low, and I thought that was pretty nice. This record makes me want to go headbang in a graveyard. In bright orange beach shorts.

3)Shadows Fall- Of One Blood
Before the making in 2000 of this second album, original singer Philip Labonte was replaced with Brian Fair, and LORD it was a good idea. He conveys such vehemence and fury through his low pitched screams, I ran away crying when I heard this record for the first time. He also conveys a sense of passion and solemness when he sings clean, and this is also reflected in the music, where there are fast, blazing, heart-attack riffs, but also some pretty intricate acoustic riffs, usually behind the clean vocals. Also, our guitar duo, Matt Bachand and John Donais, prove that they had chops even before the 'War Within' days. Suck a great record, so early in their career.

2) Lostprophets- The Fake Sound of Progress
I heard these guys for the first time five years ago, and I've been hooked ever since. This group from wales have some fun making thier music, you can tell. Listening to this record gets me going, and once the spring weather arrives, it is customary for me to neglect homework, pop this record in, and just enjoy my day. The tunes are so rockin', I could listen and forget about any burdens I have on my heart. And as of recently, it makes me nostalgic, probably because I got into it so long ago. I have fun listening to this record. The DJ rolls out. The singer has a great voice. 'Nuff said.

1!!!!)Rancid- ...And Out Come The Wolves
Rancid. My favorite band of all time. This is a masterpiece. These guys are punk, but you can tell they love thier reggae as well. The songs make you move whether you want to or not, and you can tell that these guys got by with thier love of music when they were growing up on the streets. The voices are great, but many would argue that Tim sounds like crap. I love it. Both Tim Armstrong and Lars Fredricksen gang up on the vocals, and the turnout is great. Much like Miasma, the stories on this record paint a vivid picture, though much less morbid. Not many people like punk, but these guys are unlike many of the others. And by now, they have tons of experience. Also, the bass is insane! Matt Freeman is a master of the practice, adn I'm sure many a bass player has commited suicide after hearing his amazing skill.
i only own one of those. i am ashamed...
but honestly, where's the cradle of filth?
In all honesty, I don't like them. Dark does not always equal cool, my friend. They have ONE good song, to be quite honest.
yeah, where is the cradle of filth?
wow only gay people listen to metal. i bet you like to kill kittens and drink their blood. i bet you bath in horse feces and dream of dani filth rubbing you with KY oil.
No, I don't dream of Dani Filth rubbing me in KY oil. Since I am a fan of heavy metal, which is PERFECT grounds for you to judge me, I prefer to take it rough, thus rendering KY useless. And no, I do not kill kittens and drink their blood. I dip them in ranch sauce before consuming the scrumptous contents of thier craniums. There's nothing better than the gray matter of a kitten laden in ranch. Also, you spelled bathe incorrectly. I do not bath in horse feces, I bathe in it. If you are going to tell me what I do on a day-to-day basis based on the music I take a liking to, I suggest you do it without raping the english language. Thank you and good day, sir.
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