Thursday, February 22, 2007

The Office: Cocktails

A few immediate thoughts
  • Why on earth is Jan attracted to Michael? I am dumbfounded by this. I can't really comprehend it. I like Michael, but it's more out of pity and empathy than anything else. The whole going in the bathroom thing to make out I would've expected from Michael, but definitely not Jan.
  • Finally! We get on air confirmation that Andy is indeed in anger management. I just wish there was a timeframe on his return.
  • I feel bad for Toby. He's always getting picked on by Michael and he's been trying to ask Pam out since the season premeire. But whatever happened to his friend from the gym?
  • It seems like whatever line Creed says just steals the show, makes you laugh, and kind of creeps you out sometimes too. This episode was no exception. (although Dwight actually was probably even creepier this week)
  • Haven't Stacy and Kevin been engaged since the beginning of the second season? I remember him saying she sometimes took trips away without saying where she was going and now it's complicated. This needs sorted out somehow
  • When Roy said "Come On!" I could not help but think of G.O.B. Bluth from my other favorite TV show, Arrested Development.
  • Whoa! I was browsing Office Tally and this is a priceless insight..
    "when Dwight was in that kid’s room, my first thought was 'Wait, the cameraguy was waiting around in there too.'"
  • Finally, I am happy to see Roy out of Pam's life finally and if Roy goes crazy Jim could be out of her life too. I'm curious where the writers will go from here. The only thing I'm certain of is lots more unresolved sexual tension.

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