Friday, January 19, 2007

The Office: The Return

This is the first review of the Office that I am doing since this is the first episode to air since the formation of this little writing guild. I'll do this weekly for new episodes or who knows, maybe I'll archive and do the old ones someday too.

Season 3, Episode 13: The Return

I have loved Andy since his first appearance on the show. He made me laugh and has had more signature moments this season than anyone else (calculator in jello, call of duty, acapella, rocking out to lazy scranton, nagasaki, etc.). There were few things he did in the first twelve episodes that didn't make me laugh, but now he has just become a full fledged, unlikeable character yet still I love Andy. After last night everyone wants him to leave after how he made Dwight leave, the stalking of Michael, and the hole in the wall, but I still love Andy and think he's a great addition to the show. There's speculation of him leaving now if not in the next episode then by the end of the season. I hope this doesn't happen even though I may be in the minority in hoping that...

Highlights for me...
  • Dwight's presentation of three seperate (large) documents that made up his resume'
  • Ryan making the lemonade "mexican" and confessing he liked himself better as the temp
  • Dwight having "snow tires, chains, and exceptional hand-eye cordination"
  • Andy's self recorded "Rockin' Robin"
  • Andy fishing for a 'Big Tuna'
  • Andy's "overreaction" (see below if you didn't catch it last night)
  • Kevin's gay-cation joke

Also this sheds a new light on the Pam and Jim development. With a Karen/Jim breakup imminent now and a firing of Andy also possible could it be that the introduction of the Stamford branch was all for nothing basically? I sure hope not. We'll just have to wait and see...


Anonymous said...


I didn't really think that Andy was going to be a major character, and he kind of made me mad. But some of his stuff is funny and the overreaction was pretty hilarious.

Anonymous said...

Watching that clip I realized there might be some kind of continuity error here. Assuming Jim gave Pam Andy's cellphone device so she could get the number off it, and we don't see Pam tell Jim what that number is, how did Jim know what number to dial when he called Andy's phone for the second time (after Pam calls it)? Hmm...