Sunday, January 21, 2007

A Brief History of Canada Dry

Okay, I was just drinking a can of Canada Dry and a single thought entered my mind, "is it just me or does Canada Dry sound like a kind of alcohol or liquor?". Just to make sure I wasn't crazy I asked three other friends who all replied that they thought the same thing. So unless the four of us are just crazy Canada Dry definitely sounds like a kind of liquor. That is where the glorious wikipedia comes in.

If you talk to me often enough, you are bound to hear me praise wikipedia and mention how much I use and love it so naturally it was the first place I turned to learn about Canada Dry.

It turns out that Canada Dry ginger ale was started by John McLaughlin in 1904, but things pick don't really pick up until Prohibition because Canada Dry's distinct flavor helped mask the taste of the illegal, homemade liquor. This caused the company to expand worldwide then introduce a larger number of products. Now they have introduced 17 other drinks and variations of the original flavor.
Canada Dry's history features liquor prominently, the old advertisment I've chose to use really makes it look like alcohol, and finally a quote from a French advertisement sums it up best I think, "It has the color of alcohol... tastes like alcohol... but it isn't alcohol".

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