Sunday, January 13, 2008

annoying things in the world

Here is a list of the most annoying things in the world.

1. friend invites from prostitutes
~ Seiriously, I'm not going to be you stinkin friend. doesn't mater if it's you face, boobs, or butt in the picture i will not be your friend.

2. professors who give you pointless questions on a exam
~ OK you tell the class to look at the main points in the articles and we should be fine. However, when the question goes something like this, "who did Macintosh say was the best person in the 14th century?" funny how their was no article by macintosh and how does this help me counsel people.

client: i'm very depressed and I think I might hurt myself.

counselor: did you know that macintosh said that this guy was an important person in the 14th century?

client: (BOOM) ---- client is dead.

3. playstation 3
~ playstation 3 is pretty cool however, it is retarded. According to the FAQs on the ps3 the difference between the 80GB and the 40GB, as far as backwards compatability goes, is that the 80GB can play past playstation games but the 40 GB can not play PS2 games. However, the 40GB can play your PS1 games. SO tell me Sony if your ps2 units are your best selling unit, then would it make sense to make the PS2 games compatibaly with the 40GB? Guess not.

i'll have more later when I am ticked off.

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